Printing and Flocking
Auxiliaries For Printing and Flocking
Universal application possibilities
No matter if on textiles, carpets or wallpaper, our auxiliaries for pigment, silicone and dyestuff printing ensure a lasting effect and our flock adhesives a permanent adhesion on all substrates.
For all printing and flock processes, dyestuff classes and fibres, we offer a broad range of products and work out special solutions with our customers that exactly comply with their demands.

Print whatever you like
No matter if transparent or opaque, as top layer, brittle or real soft, as foam or smooth, individual components or in combination – with our print pastes your ideas are nearly without limits.
Our broad range includes products for all common printing methods like pigment printing, dispersion printing, pigment dyeing, silicone printing, reactive printing, vat printing, printing with acid dyestuffs, printing with basic dyestuffs, inkjet, screen printing and transfer printing.
Flock in all versions
The application possibilities in flock technology are nearly unlimited. Flock is applied whenever tactile, insulating, sound-absorbing, gliding, adhering, cleaning and decorative properties of a flocking are valued.
For textiles and for technical use, for every application method and for nearly all substrates, we have the optimal adhesive systems or adjust them to match customer demands and wishes.
Our Global Industry Partners